CLI Command Overview
babylond - Babylon App
add-genesis-account -This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it adds a genesis account to genesis.json
add-genesis-bls -This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it adds a genesis BLS Key to genesis.json
collect-gentxs - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it collects genesis txs and outputs a genesis.json file
config - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it creates or queries an application CLI configuration file
create-bls-key - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it creates a pair of BLS keys for a validator
create-genesis-bls - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it creates a genesis BLS key file for the validator
debug - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it is a tool for helping with debugging your application
addr - Convert an address between hex and bech32
pubkey - Decode a pubkey from proto JSON
pubkey-raw - Decode a ED25519 or secp256k1 pubkey from hex, base64, or bech32
raw-bytes - Convert raw bytes output (eg. [10 21 13 255]) to hex
export - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it exports the state to JSON
gentx - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it generates a genesis tx carrying a self delegation
help - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it helps with any command
init - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it initializes the private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files
keys - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it manages your application’s keys
add - Add an encrypted private key (either newly generated or recovered), encrypt it, and save to your file name
delete - Delete the given keys
export - Export private keys
import - Import private keys into the local keybase
list - List all keys
migrate - Migrate keys from amino to proto serialization format
mnemonic - Compute the bip39 mnemonic for some input entropy
parse - Parse address from hex to bech32 and vice versa
rename - Rename an existing key
show - Retrieve key information by name or address
migrate - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it migrates genesis to a specified target version
prepare-genesis - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it prepares a genesis file
query - Querying subcommand
account - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries for an account by address
auth - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the auth module
account - Query for account by address
accounts - Query all the accounts
address-by-acc-num - Query for an address by account number
module-account - Query module account info by module name
module-accounts - Query all the module accounts
params - Query the current auth parameters
authz - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the authz module
grants - Query grans for a granter-grantee pair and optionally a msg-type-url
grants-by-grantee - Query authorization grants granted to a grantee
grants-by-granter - Query authorization grants granted by granter
bank - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the bank module
balances - Query for account balances by address
denom-metadata - Query the client metadata for coin denominations
total - Query the total supply of coins of the chain
block - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it gets the verified data by the given height
btccheckpoint - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries commands for the btccheckpoint module
btc-height - Retrieve the earliest btc height for the given epoch
epoch-submissions - All the checkpoint submissions for the given epoch
params - Show the parameters of the module
btclightclient - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries commands for the btclightclient module
base-header - Retrieve the base header of the bitcoin blockchain
contains - Check whether the module maintains a hash
hashes - Retrieve the hashes maintained by this module
main-chain - Retrieve the canonical chain
params - Show the parameters of the module
tip - Retrieve the tip of the bitcoin blockchain
checkpointing - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries commands for the checkpointing module
params - Show the parameters of the module
raw-checkpoint - Retrieve the checkpoint by epoch number
raw-checkpoint-list - Retrieve the checkpoints by status
distribution - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the distribution module
commission - Query distribution validator commission
community-pool - Query the amount of coins in the community pool
params - Query distribution params
rewards - Query all distribution delegator rewards or rewards from a particular validator
slashes - Query distribution validator slashes
validator-outstanding-rewards - Query distribution outstanding (un-withdrawn) rewards for validator and all their delegations
epoching - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries commands for the epoching module
- params - shows the parameters of the module
evidence - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for evidence by a hash or for all the paginated submitted evidence
feegrant - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the feegrant module
grant - Query details of a single grant
grants-by-grantee - Query all grants of a grantee
grants-by-granter - Query all grants by a granter
gov - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the governance module
deposit - Query details of a deposit
deposits - Query deposits on a proposal
param - Query the parameters (voting|tallying|deposit) of the governance process
params - Query the parameters of the governance process
proposal - Query details of a single proposal
proposals - Query proposals with optional filters
proposer - Query the proposer of a governance proposal
tally - Get the tally of a proposal vote
vote - Query details of a single vote
votes - Query votes on a proposal
ibc - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the IBC module
channel - IBC channel query subcommands
channels - Query all channels
client-state - Query the client state associated with a channel
connections - Query all channels associated with a connection
end - Query a channel end
next-sequence-receive - Query a next-receive sequence
packet-ack - Query a packet acknowledgement
packet-commitment - Query a packet commitment
packet-commitments - Query all packet commitments associated with a channel
packet-receipt - Query a packet receipt
unreceived-acks - Query all the unreceived acks associated with a channel
unreceived-packets - Query all the unreceived packets associated with a channel
client - IBC client query subcommands
consensus-state - Query the consensus state of a client at a given height
consensus-state-heights - Query the heights of all consensus states of a client.
consensus-states - Query all the consensus states of a client.
header - Query the latest header of the running chain
params - Query the current ibc client parameters
self-consensus-state - Query the self-consensus state for this chain
state - Query a client state
states - Query all available light clients
status - Query client status
connection - IBC connection query subcommands
connections - Query all connections
end - Query stored connection end
path - Query stored client connection paths
ibc-transfer - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the subcommands for the ibc fungible token transfer module
denom-hash - Query the denom hash info from a given denom trace
denom-trace - Query the denom trace info from a given trace hash or ibc denom
denom-traces - Query the trace info for all token denominations
escrow-address - Get the escrow address for a channel
params - Query the current ibc-transfer parameters
mint - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the minting module
annual-provisions - Query the current minting annual provisions value
inflation - Query the current minting inflation value
params - Query the current minting parameters
params - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the params module
- subspace - Query for raw parameters by subspace and key
slashing - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the slashing module
params - Query the current slashing parameters
signing-info - Query a validator's signing information
signing-infos - Query signing information of all validators
staking - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the staking module
delegation - Query a delegation based on address and validator address
delegations - Query all delegations made by one delegator
delegations-to - Query all delegations made to one validator
historical-info - Query historical info at a given height
params - Query the current staking parameters information
pool - Query the current staking pool values
redelegation - Query a redelegation record based on the delegator and a source and destination validator address
redelegations - Query all redelegations records for one delegator
redelegations-from - Query all outgoing redelegations from a validator
unbonding-delegation - Query an unbonding-delegation record based on the delegator and validator address
unbonding-delegations - Query all unbonding-delegations records for one delegator
unbonding-delegations-from - Query all unbonding delegations from a validator
validator - Query a validator
validators - Query for all validators
tendermint-validator-set - Get the full tendermint validator set at a given height
tx - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries a transaction by hash
txs - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries paginated transactions that match a set of events
upgrade - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries commands for the upgrade module
applied - Block header for height at which a completed upgrade was applied
module_versions - Get the list of module versions
plan - Get upgrade plan (if one exists)
zoneconcierge - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries commands for the zoneconcierge module
- params - Show the parameters of the module
rollback - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it rolls back cosmos-sdk and tendermint state by one height
rosetta - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it spins up a rosetta server
start - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it runs the full node
status - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the remote node for status
tendermint -This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the subcommands for tendermint module
reset-state - Remove all the data and WAL
show-address - Shows this node's tendermint validator consensus address
show-node-id - Show this node's ID
show-validator - Show this node's tendermint validator info
unsafe-reset-all unsafe - Remove all the data and WAL, reset this node's validator to the genesis state
version - Print tendermint libraries' version
testnet - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it initialize files for a Babylon testnet
tx - Transactions subcommand
authz - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the subcommands for authorization transactions
bank - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries subcommand for Bank module
multi-send - Send funds from one account to two or more accounts.
send - Send funds from one account to another.
broadcast - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it broadcast transactions generated offline
btccheckpoint - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries subcommands for btccheckpoint transactions
btclightclient - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries subcommands for btclightclient transactions
- insert-header - Submit BTC header bytes
checkpointing - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries subcommands for checkpointing transactions
create-validator - Create a new validator initialized with a self-delegation to it
submit - submit a BLS signature
crisis - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries subcommand for crisis transactions
- invariant-broken - Submit proof that an invariant broken to halt the chain
decode - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it decodes a binary encoded transaction string
distribution - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries subcommand for Distribution transactions
fund-community-pool - Funds the community pool with the specified amount
set-withdraw-addr - Change the default withdraw address for rewards associated with an address
withdraw-all-rewards - Withdraw all delegations rewards for a delegator
withdraw-rewards - Withdraw rewards from a given delegation address and optionally withdraw validator commission if the delegation address given is a validator operator
encode - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it encodes transactions generated offline
epoching - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries the subcommands for epoching transactions
delegate - Delegate liquid tokens to a validator
redelegate - Redelegate illiquid tokens from one validator to another
unbond - Unbond shares from a validator
evidence - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the subcommands for Evidence transactions
feegrant - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the subcommands for Feegrant transactions
gov - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries subcommand for governance transactions
deposit - Deposit tokens for an active proposal
draft-proposal - Generate a draft proposal JSON file. The generated proposal JSON contains only one message (skeleton).
submit-legacy-proposal - Submit a legacy proposal along with an initial deposit
cancel-software-upgrade - Cancel the current software upgrade proposal
community-pool-spend - Submit a community pool spend proposal
param-change - Submit a parameter change proposal
software-upgrade - Submit a software upgrade proposal
submit-proposal - Submit a proposal along with some messages, metadata and deposit
vote - Vote for an active proposal, options: yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain
weighted-vote - Vote for an active proposal, options: yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain
ibc - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries subcommands for IBC transactions
ibc-transfer - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the subcommands for IBC fungible token transfer
- transfer - Transfer a fungible token through IBC
multi-sign - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it generates multisig signatures for transactions generated offline
- multisign-batch - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it assembles multisig transactions in batch from batch signatures
sign - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it signs a transaction generated offline
- sign-batch - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it signs transaction batch files
slashing - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries subcommand for slashing transaction
- unjail - Unjail validator previously jailed for downtime
staking - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries subcommand for Staking transaction
cancel-unbond - Cancel unbonding delegation and delegate back to the validator
create-validator - Create new validator initialized with a self-delegation to it
delegate - Delegate liquid tokens to a validator
edit-validator - Edit an existing validator account
redelegate - Redelegate illiquid tokens from one validator to another
unbond - Unbond shares from a validator
validate-signatures - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it validates transactions signatures
vesting - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it queries the subcommands for Vesting transaction
create-periodic-vesting-account - Create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens
create-permanent-locked-account - Create a new permanently locked account funded with an allocation of tokens
create-vesting-account - Create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens
zoneconcierge - This is a Babylon-specific CLI, it queries the subcommands for zoneconcierge transactions
validate-genesis - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it validates the genesis file at the default location or at the location passed as an arg
version - This is a Cosmos Native CLI, it prints the application binary version information