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Vigilante Submitter

Learn what the Babylon Vigilante Submitter program is and how it operates.


The vigilante submitter is a separate program that is responsible for submitting checkpoints from Babylon to BTC periodically. To submit a checkpoint to Bitcoin, the Babylon system needs to encode a checkpoint to two transactions and submit them to BTC. It is a critical piece to ensure the liveness of Babylon. We need to ensure that at least one submitter is working in the Babylon network.

Problem Statement

The vigilante submitter needs to convert a raw checkpoint to BTC transactions and send them to BTC. It also needs to ensure that all the SEALED checkpoints will be eventually submitted to BTC. Further, since submitting checkpoints costs real Bitcoin to pay the miners, the submitter needs to minimize the cost and duplicate submissions.


The vigilante submitter program makes the following design decisions:

Extracting Checkpoints

In case of any failure, a checkpoint may not be successfully submitted to BTC in one shot. To ensure a raw checkpoint will be eventually submitted to BTC, the submitter adopts a pull-based approach to repetitively submit checkpoints with the status of SEALED even though they have been submitted before. The submitter uses two configurable items, pulling-intervals and resend-intervals to control the frequency of the pulling and re-sending checkpoints that have been sent before.

Converting Checkpoints to BTC Transactions

BTC allows users to store arbitrary data in the Bitcoin blockchain via OP_RETURN, which is a transaction output in Bitcoin that is provably unspendable. To avoid abuse of OP_RETURN, the data size carried in OP_RETURN is limited to less than 80 bytes.

A raw checkpoint consists of epoch_num (8 bytes), last_commit_hash (32 bytes), bitmap (13 bytes), and bls_multi_sig (48 bytes), which is 101 bytes. Besides a raw checkpoint, the checkpoint data includes a Babylon identifier (4 bytes) and the submitter's Babylon address (20 bytes). While this address is not used for any purposes at the moment, it could be used in future upgrades to potentially reward vigilante submitters for the submission.

Therefore, we need at least two BTC transactions to carry a raw checkpoint. The structure of the two OP_RETURN entries is shown as the following:

// 73 Bytes in total
message CheckpointFirst {
int32 identifier = 0x62626E00 // 4-Byte identifier (0x62626E = BBN in text, 0x00 signals the first half)
uint64 epoch_num // 4 Bytes, big endian
bytes last_commit_hash // 32 Bytes
bytes bitmap // 13 Bytes
bytes bbn_addr // 20 bytes (for reward)

// 62 Bytes in total
message CheckpointSecond {
int32 identifier = 0x62626E01 // 4-Byte identifier (0x62626E = BBN in text, 0x01 denotes the second half)
bytes bls_multi_sig // 48 Bytes
bytes checksum // first 10 Bytes of the Sha256 hash of CheckpointFirst