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Overview of Bitcoin Staking backend deployment

Overview of Bitcoin Staking backend deployment

The Babylon Bitcoin Staking system comprises of the following components:

  • BTC Staking Indexer: Parses BTC blocks for valid staking, unbonding, and withdrawal transactions, and forwards relevant events to a queueing system, while also persisting them to an on-disk key-value storage.
  • RabbitMQ: Houses a set of queues containing BTC Staking transactions.
  • Staking API Service: Consumes BTC Staking transactions from the RabbitMQ queues and stores them in a central data store, additionally accepting unbonding requests.
  • MongoDB: Stores BTC Staking transaction data.
  • Staking Expiry Checker: Periodically checks MongoDB for expired BTC Stake Delegations and Unbondings.
  • Unbonding Pipeline: Forwards unbonding requests for signing to a Covenant Emulator committee and submits them to the BTC network
  • Staking Dashboard: UI that allows for creating BTC Staking transactions. Connects to the API to retrieve information about the system and historical delegations.
  • Covenant Signer: Operated by members of the covenant committee. Receives unbonding transactions and returns the same transactions signed by the covenant emulator's key.
  • Bitcoin Full Node: Verify whether the staking transaction has already been submitted to Bitcoin network and has the required amount of BTC confirmations.
  • Bitcoin Offline Wallet: Stores the Covenant Signer member keys and signs unbonding transactions forwarded by the Covenant Signer. Covenant signer needs to operate a Bitcoin wallet, and connect to a Bitcoin node. For a detailed setup guide, visit Covenant Signer Setup Deployment
  • A Global Configuration file that contains system-wide parameters pertinent to the processed Staking transactions.
  • A Finality Provider config file that associates finality provider BTC public keys with additional information about them such as their moniker, commission etc.